How I can help?

Current Work

Mobile Apps

Our team's capstone project - cross-platform app, utilizing Xamarin forms.

GreenView Go

Source Code not disclosable

Languages, Frameworks

I have experience with:

Python, OpenCV, Bash, C, Make, C# .NET, Java, Xamarin, FreshMVVM, XAML, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Node, NPM, Pug, Express, Docker, PM2, SQL +more...

Computer Vision

Python OpenCV barcode scanning with PyZbar & other libraries.

Barcode Automation

Cloud Services

I primarily know AWS, including;

Autoscaling, CloudFront, CloudWatch, EC2, ELB, S3, Glacier, DynamoDB, PostgreSQL, IAM, Route53 +more...

I'm also working towards the solutions architect 'associate level' certification.

Efficacious Websites

Minimalist, mobile-first sites with a focus on accessability, efficiency and speed through the use of modern HTML5 and CSS features such as animations.

This Site

Information Security

I take an integrated, serious stance on security, with a 'prevention is better than a cure' idealogy.

I follow guidelines and best practices, to mitigate security risks.

Remote Sensors

I have setup automated processing for data collected by remote sensors to filter and save relevant data.

I've also installed and managed remote sensor and auto-sampling devices for water quality.

Future Desired Projects

IoT applications

Developing machine-machine applications and transaction processing can allow humans to spend their time on more important tasks. Technology like the IOTA network could be especially interesting to apply in this case.

Productive Tourism

This project aims to improve access to education in poor and disadvantaged areas of the world. A booking system would facilitate cost-price accommodation, in exchange for teaching or tutoring.

Smart Grid Power MGMT

Build applications and interface with and modernize the electricity grid, facilitating localized electricity sales to meet demand.

Electric Vehicle Charging

Along with a smart grid comes the opportunity for owners to utilise their EV's to soak up extra renewable energy supply, or even to sell energy during periods of high demand.

Many more...

...Including building web apps in languages such as Rust (compiled to WASM) and utilizing the upcoming W3C standard, WebXR, for AR web apps.